

English has played a central role as the common international language in linking people who have different mother tongues. For children living in the 21st century, it is essential for them to acquire communication abilities in English as a common international language. In addition, English abilities are important in terms of linking our country with the rest of the world, obtaining the worldfs understanding and trust, enhancing our international presence and further developing our nation.

 -Regarding the Establishment of an Action Plan to Cultivate
gJapanese with English Abilitiesh-

gIn Japan, most people learn English for six years through junior high school and high school. Six years sound long enough to be fluent. Some people even go to special English language schools in addition to this six-year learning at school. Nevertheless, Japanese people are generally said to be incompetent in English communication.h


-quoted from Mikiko Kawanofs website article-

gTeaching Culture in English Class in Japanh (1999)

 Centre for Studies of Language in Education

@ @

English Education in Japan has changed enormously over recent years.@The focus has shifted from teaching mostly grammar and translation to the development of the four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking; emphasizing the need to teach and use 'communicative English' in the classroom. Very recently, considerable emphasis has also been placed on creating yet more interactive and dynamic lesson planning to accommodate the multitude of student learner styles that exist within the classroom.@


Team Teaching plays a vital role in teaching communicative English.@The firsthand exposure to a native English-speaking AET provides students with an unparalleled opportunity to see studying a foreign language as a practical tool for actual communication, rather than just a set of grammar rules for translation.@


Although many teachers are changing their teaching style, some have found that they have received very little practical guidance about how to teach English 'communicatively'.


At the Education Center it is our aim to provide both JTEfs and ALTfs with more information about how to approach English education.


This year's edition of Communicative English: a Practical Guide@has built on the strength of last yearfs site and is aimed, yet again, at both JTEfs and ALTfs.


In particular, we intend to highlight various ways as to how to expand creative use of curriculum textbooks, so that lessons can be taught more communicatively.@This website has been specifically designed for Japanese Teachers of English (JTEfs) and Assistant English Teachers (AETfs) who are actively participating in Team-teaching. It addresses a multitude of topics ranging from teaching ideas, methods and approaches to advice about strategies for self-improvement as well as some ideas as to how to establish an effective team teaching relationship between the JTE and AET.


We have specifically enhanced the formatting and web links on the site, in the hope that this will make the online information more accessible and user-friendly for teachers all over the prefecture.


Secondly, we have included basic background information on ebest-practicef teaching approaches and how to use them directly in your English classes in Japan. We hope that this will provide a quick and useful starting point for AETfs with limited teaching experience.@@


Thirdly, we have provided a quick reference guide to basic English grammar, a section on the cultural and linguistic differences between various native English-speaking countries, and we have expanded the section on "Suggested Activities" quite considerably.


We hope that you will find the information on this site most helpful!




@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Rich Beal, ALT   

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Norm Cook, ALT

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In-Service Training Management Division

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Office Building

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Gifu Prefectural Board of Education in Japanese/

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@In English


With special contributions from:


@ @Angela Brenner





Justin Dart


cand Sheila Ryan-Hara




All photos supplied by Rich Beal and Norman Cook:





@ **All web links and quoted information were correct at the time this site was launched**


This edition was published in April, 200‚S


