Aim: Listen carefully, make quick responses.
Procedure: Give each student a copy of a blank grid. Slowly read the instructions as students draw or write the answers.
You can use this activity as a warm-up, or
base it on a chapter in the textbook.
You can make comprehension questions and have students write the
answers. You can also use this format
for vocabulary tests, or make questions using new grammar patterns. Have students take turns making the
comprehension and reading the instructions.
Example Instructions:
a) In square 7, write your full name in English. Go up one square, and left for two squares.
b) Draw a picture of yourself. Go down two squares and right for three.
c) Write the answer to 3 + 4. Go left two squares and up one.
d) Write what time it is. Go right two squares.
e) Draw the sign for McDonalds. Go down one square and left two.
f) Draw a map of Japan.
……. Etc, etc.
Note: This activity was originally
written for the 1995 edition of Communicative English: A Practical Guide.