Please Note:
There are a number
of terms currently used in Japan to describe many
similar things. Below is a list
of common abbreviations you will find throughout this publication.
AET: "Assistant
English Teacher"
Also commonly
referred to as ALT: "Assistant Language Teacher".@
terms, AET and ALT, appear throughout this publication and
are interchangeable.
JTE: "Japanese
Teacher of English"
Also sometimes
known as JET: "Japanese English Teacher".
is sometimes a bit of confusion with the term "JET" because
the majority of AETfs in Japan are participants of the government-sponsored
"Japan Exchange Teaching Program" (JET Programme).@Therefore, to avoid confusion we use JTE.
JET Programme:@"Japan Exchange Teaching
is the government-sponsored organization which recruits and
places non-Japanese native speakers of foreign languages to
work in Japan as:
@@@@@Assistant Language Teachers (ALT's),
@@@@@Coordinators of International Relations (CIR's), and
@@@@@Sports Exchange Advisors (SEA's).@

SHS:@"Senior High School"
JHS:@"Junior High School"
Regional Spelling Variations
Articles within
this website have been written by present and past ALTs from a variety of
different countries. Because
the spelling rules vary between countries, some words may be spelled
differently. For more
information see the section on Different Regional English.