Teaching Resources
and Links on the Internet
The list below of resources is by no means exhaustive. There are many resources out there and
if you find one you love and would like to share with us please contact us. If you are still struggling for
resources even after viewing this list remember that much information can be
found simply by using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo or by looking it up in Wikipedia. General English
Resources Information for everyone (comprehensive site with lesson plans and core course outlines from
beginner to advanced level English learning- very useful site!) (comprehensive site
with lesson plans/materials, songs/lyrics, pronunciation, teaching
tips/stories etc.) (comprehensive site
of lesson plans, grammar teaching tips and flashcards for Elementary and
Junior High School) http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/ (comprehensive site
for grammar referencej (British Council's
site --- themes, links, postcards, songs, grammar, cartoons, jokes, cultural
events etc.) www.eslcafe.com/search/Lesson_Plans/ (comprehensive site
of lesson plans and teaching tips.) (The Guardian) (Heinemann—has a good
grammar reference section with some lesson plans) www.educationunlimited.co.uk/tefl/ (Information on TEFL) (Intermediate level
material) http://sitesforteachers.com/index.html (Teacher
resources) (Teacher and student
resources) (free lessons from
Reuters news agency) http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/cquest/europe/europe.html@ (information on
holidays, games and recipes from many countries including the (many specialized
links for teachers) (Gateway to a variety
of legends—stories that are told as true) (information on world
flags) http://www.webenglishteacher.com/esl.html (excellent site for
games, quizzes and lesson plans) http://www.tki.org.nz/r/esol/esolonline/links_e.php (general information
about TESOL/TEFL teaching and strategies, games etc.) http://www.stoughton.k12.wi.us/schools/esl/ (useful site for both
adults and children learning English) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/esl/ (useful information
about English grammar and how to teach it) http://lingolex.com/jstefl.htm (scroll down this
page for some great free printable games and activities) (links to
explanations of many different games) (activities for
grammar, vocabulary, reading and real audio listening) (complete EFL
resource website) (a very comprehensive
site on spelling, grammar, conversation, verbs etc.) http://www.linguistic-funland.com/ (great portal for a
whole host of TEFL links and other related information) http://www.soon.org.uk/content.htm (Online magazine with
cultural information, language learning advice and help as well as free easy
stories etc) http://www.bestteachersites.com/ (a full list of
resources for teachers-also includes information on teacher training) http://www.edochan.com/teaching/monkeys.htm (excellent site for
ready-to-go lesson plans) (information for TEFL
teachers and those wishing to pursue teaching English as a career) (click on the efree
sample pagesf for a whole range of printable worksheets) (An all-in-one site
with lesson plans, news, teaching tips etc.) (resources for both
students and teachers including activities and links) (covers all language
competences for students and teachers—a good site) http://www.expage.com/page/esol (a good English resource
site with many links for teachers) (Famous quotes on all
areas of life) For Students in Particular http://www.gower.net/sdragan/eslstsit.htm (collection of useful
links for ESL students) (A whole range of
interesting learning activities for ESL students) For JTEs http://engserve.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~eg6011/ http://faculty.web.waseda.ac.jp/miyakawa/dialogue/intro.html http://homepage2.nifty.com/english_study/ http://ten.tokyo-shoseki.co.jp http://www.ikeda.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/~higuchim/index-j.html (Japanese sites with
lots of links for internet language learning) http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~hide0508/ca/ca.html (Many interesting
TEFL activities graded by category and level) http://www.tk.airnet.ne.jp/furukawa/english/ (A good online
English/Japanese and Japanese/English dictionary) For
Elementary School (games, lesson plans,
curriculum etc.) (kids games with
printable flashcards, song sheets and worksheets) http://www.lil-fingers.com/coloring/index.html@ (very child-focused picture card site for 1st graders or any lesson requiring images) www.abcteach.com@ (very good for Elementary School) http://atozteacherstuff.com@ (useful for lesson plans. Has printable worksheets) http://www.gameskidsplay.net/ (for a whole host of kidfs games and rhymes)
For Junior High School (makes instant crosswords,
cryptograms, mazes etc.) www.abcteach.com@ (can be used for Junior High School) www.genkienglish.com (Useful for JHS as well as Elementary)
(things for the teacher and the student) http://www.eslgo.com/classes.html (good site for short stories demonstrating
grammar in use) (printable lesson plans suited to JHS) For Senior High School www.efl4u.com (Subscribe
to receive free Teacherfs instructions and one new lesson every week) http://cnnstudentnews.cnn.com/fyi/index.html
(news for students & teaching resources) www.englishpage.com (Weekly newsletters, materials, lesson plans, dictionaries. Challenging
material for high level students. Thematic and grammar- based activities). http://www.cdlponline.org/ On-line
lessons, contain sound clips http://www.onestopenglish.com/
great articles for elective classes Pictures
and Clip Art for Visual Aids www.sla.purdue.edu/fll/JapanProj/ (Japanese clip art for flashcards) (100s of clipart images for posters, flashcards, flyers, newsletter
articles etc.) www.gograph.com (For clipart and photos) www.allposters.com (For millions of posters and paintings...like movie posters, bands, sports, famous places, funny photos and miscellaneous) http://www.hellasmultimedia.com/webimages/ (The best page ever for any graphics you could ever want for any holidays / festivals) http://www.clipartguide.com/ (Guidance on finding clipart and images) (10,000+
hand-drawn pictures of animals etc.) http://clipart.disneysites.com/index.php
clipart characters) (Clipart for seasons, food, fun &games, sports
etc.) http://www.childrenonlyesl-efl.com/mainpages/tourcategories/tourcategorypages/flashtourpgs/list.asp (great site for some free clipart! Become a
member to access all the clipart images) (Lots and lots of free clipart!) http://www.freefoto.com/index.jsp (free searchable and downloadable photos) Puzzle
Sites http://puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/index.html@@ (Make your own puzzles) http://blackdog.net/holiday/christmas/twas.html (Twas the Night Before
Christmas, the classic which will also make a great listening activity.) (crosswords, puzzles,
cryptograms etc.) http://www.colorstudy.com/scramble/ (Word Scramble
creator) Music and Poetry (good site for modern songs and
artists) (good for music searches) (song lyrics) (well-indexed lyrics site) (good for searching for less
common songs) http://www.musicalenglishlessons.com (great song worksheets) (website equivalent of MTV with
news and views on music) http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems.html (good source for kids songs and
poems relating to topics such as teaching weather, months, etc.) http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/music.htm (good source for lyrics and midi
files for many songs, both for kids and adults) http://www.songsforteaching.com/ (songs to promote learning and
that help teach English) http://www.kididdles.com/mouseum/alpha.html (good site for a variety of kids
songs. You can search by title,
key words, or topic) http://www.crewsnest.vispa.com/ A great site for
clear basic info on most festivals and holidays Christmas: http://www.howstuffworks.com/christmas.htm (Want to know why we kiss under
mistletoe or wander around the neighborhood singing or where Santa cames
from? Here's your answer!) http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/holidays/main.html ( http://people.howstuffworks.com/ramadan.htm (For the history and traditions
of Ramadan) ·
Recipes http://www.christmas-cookies.com/recipes/ (Tons
of great recipes including no-bake cookies) ·
Party games http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/xmas/party.html (Lots
of party games) http://www.homeschoolzone.com/writer/christmasgiftpass.htm (This
sounds fun to try instead of the usual "secret santa" or gift
exchange. Also
it would be a fabulous listening activity. Sounds fun and I think even an
adult class would love it. Here are the directions and the story.) ·
Songs http://www.cameron.edu/~mikel/christmas/ (Christmas
song/carol lyrics) ·
Xmas Puzzles http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/xmas/print.html (All
kinds of other printable puzzles, jokes, and color pages) http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/xmas/word.html (Try
their fun word puzzles from easy to more difficult) ·
Crafts http://familycrafts.about.com/cs/christmascrafts/index.htm (If
you want to make creative gifts, cards, or Christmas ornaments with your
kids. Lots of great ways use recycled stuff to make crafts too.) http://www.makingfriends.com/xmas.htm (Great
ideas for crafts with teens.) http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/index.html (For
if your not crafty: print-out crafts, coloring pages) (Grinch
mask) http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/christmas/ (For
crafts to do with the little guys) http://www.songs4teachers.com/wintersnowactivities.htm (crafts
for younger students) http://www.preschoolcoloringbook.com/color/cpchristmas.shtml (Coloring
Pages, good for English boards and flashcards) http://www.coloring.ws/christmas.htm (More
color pages including Pooh-san and Raggedy Ann and Andy) Valentinefs Web Resources: http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/valentine/?page=history1
http://www.howstuffworks.com/valentine.htm (the History of Valentinefs Day) ·
Elementary school http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/valentine/ http://www.songs4teachers.com/valactivities.htm ·
All ages http://www.makingfriends.com/valentine.htm (Great
homemade Valentine card ideas) http://www.makingfriends.com/Love%20Bugs.htm (This
site has lots of great craft ideas to use with kids, especially English Club. Try
looking in the "crafts for teens" and "macrame" for
friendship bracelets and
other easy to make jewelry and gifts.) http://www.homeschoolzone.com/pp/valentine.htm (crafts,
recipes, and more) ·
Print and Color Valentinefs http://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/valentines/cards.htm (It
includes some Pooh-san valentines. My high school kids loved these
last year.) http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/val/color.html ·
Coloring pages for bulletin board decorations http://blackdog4kids.com/holiday/valentine/color/ http://www.preschoolcoloringbook.com/color/cpvalentine.shtml http://www.coloring.ws/valentines.htm ·
Poetry http://vin-olga.narod.ru/simpleprelutski.html (Valentinefs
poetry) ·
Puzzles http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/@ (Beginner
to Advanced VfDay puzzles) Halloween festival
information: http://www.halloween-clipart.com/ (extremely
comprehensive site on Halloween.) http://carlah11.tripod.com/index.html (good
site for Halloween sounds and images) Setting up a Student Exchange
Program (British Council's e-link scheme has schools
participating in activities ranging from e-mail exchanges to joint project. They will also
contact the school on your behalf if requested) New British Council Resources
for JETs http://www.uknow.or.jp/uk_now/index.html (Includes map of Events flier, Harry Potter guide to Britain etc.) (Excellent international interactive email and
discussion site for students and Teachers. Can be viewed in Japanese, English
as well as many other languages. A built-in translation software tool
accompanies each message post so that students and teachers can translate
difficult words and phrases before replying. For teachers, there is also the
option to set up an official school link at a subsidized cost). English
Teaching Associations in (Official site of JETAA-Wealth of information and
English teaching links as well as career advice and job postings in (Official site of the Japanese Association for
Language Learning) Teaching Handbooks and
Manuals information http://www.geocities.com/allhou/bookteach.html (Excellent
site listing resource books for EFL teachers in On-line
activities for students http://www.collegeem.qc.ca/cemdept/anglais/trouindx.htm http://iteslj.org/overview.html News-Based Web and WebTV
Literacy Materials http://www.cdlponline.org/dl2000/newsbasedwebtvmaterials.html (Excellent site for weblinks and information on
online student materials/activities, teaching tools, email projects,
curriculum formulation, EFL research articles etc.) (links
to newspapers and magazines from all over the world) http://www.japantimes.com/start.htm http://www.japantimes.co.jp/shukan-st/ (weekly news of The Japan Times with ESL
activities and learning exercises) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/index-e.htm (Both these websites can be used for student
English resources and for your own awareness of current@affairs in http://education.guardian.co.uk/ (Education Guardian- includes links to the world of
TEFL and opportunities to share ideas/learn with other teachers of English in
other countries) http://www.eltnews.com/home.shtml News for EFL teachers
in (Site reference to help you pick up basic Japanese
using basic situation role-plays)
(the most comprehensive, excellent and free
on-line Japanese/English dictionary on the web) http://web.uvic.ca/kanji-gold/
(for an excellent KANJI learning aid-covers over
6,000 KANJI, comprehensive and easily downloadable KANJI learning programme) (essential
Japanese language tips and online lessons) (Excellent site that guides you through the 500
most commonly occurring Japanese kanji. Complete with animation of their
stroke order and both Chinese and Japanese versions. You can 'flip' the card
to see its compounds) (virtual flashcards for KANJI-very handy!) http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ik2r-myr/indexk.htm (good for drilling kanji. Japanese Language Proficiency Test
(JLPT) order) (good if youfre studying for the
JLPT. Can save kanji in your own
online folder) http://momo.jpf.go.jp/jlpt/e/result_e.html (results of past tests for JLPT and sample
questions) http://www.jgram.org/pages/export.php?limit=0&level=4&x=Build (helpful for Japanese grammar. JLPT help as well) (another very good Japanese/English and
English/Japanese dictionary) (All about manga and animation) (All information about J-Pop) http://www.sumo.or.jp/index_e.html (All information links about Japanese Sumo) http://www.thejapanfaq.com/FAQ-Primer.html (Good overview to Japanese culture, way of
life and perception of foreign peoples) http://www.isei.or.jp/books/75/Front.html (Very detailed site about Japanese culture) http://www.culture.gov.uk/default.htm (For a comprehensive view of British culture and way of life) http://www.footballculture.net/index.html (For articles on Beckham, views on the World Cup
and a lot of ideas on learning Football English. Also available in Japanese for
your students). http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/factover/ch11.htm (For a good overview
of American Popular Culture) http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/ (For a good overview
of Australian culture) http://www.nz.com/guide/culture/ (For a good overview
of New Zealander culture) http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/ (For a good overview
of Canadian culture-available in both French and English) **Many thanks to Bea Sackey and Angela Brenner for their contributions to this section. The
information was a massive help and is greatly appreciated!** -Rich and Norm
(2004 editors) |