Creating a Good Classroom Environment
As you know, when teaching any class, the mood of the students has a great effect on the success of the lesson. This is especially true when teaching a foreign language because students need to be motivated to participate in activities. As the teacher, it is up to you to control the atmosphere.
It is important that students know how you expect them to behave. Teach them strategies for successfully learning English in your class, such as:
  Explain to them your rules for classroom management
  Utilize 'lively' or 'difficult' students regularly in exercise preparation (e.g. handing
    out materials etc.) to avoid them having a negative impact on the class.
  Explain that it's okay to make mistakes!
  Ask students to be supportive and assist their classmates during group exercises.
  Make them use classroom English (e.g., "I don't understand", "please help me")
  They must answer direct questions by themselves
  Have students clap to encourage each other
  Be active in class. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm!
Try and give out stickers and other rewards as often as you can. 
Ask students who are better at English to help those who find it difficult. Talk to the homeroom teacher and get their support because they have a strong effect on the behaviour of the class. Use any motivational techniques you think may be helpful. Most importantly remember to respect the students, treat them as individuals [not children] and in return they will respect you as well.