A Note about the JET Program
It is assumed that any AET reading this site is a member of the JET Program. However we have not intentionally made the information on this site exclusive to JET's.
First, we apologize to any AETs not participating in the JET Program who feel we have been biased in any way.
Second, a number of references are made in the survey feedback section to JET-sponsored events. While the authors have consciously avoided any reference to JET-specific events, we couldn't have asked our readers to act similarly when sending feedback.
So here is a list of brief explanations for our non-JET audience:
JET Program(me): Japan Exchange Teaching Program(me). This is the government-sponsored organization which recruits and places non-Japanese native speakers of foreign languages to work in Japan as Assistant Language Teachers (ALT's), Coordinators of International Relations (CIR's), and Sports Exchange Advisors (SEA's). For more information on JET, go to www.jetprogramme.org.
Hashima Conference
Norikura Conference
Re-contracting Conference / 2nd Year Tokyo Orientation
-These are annual conferences attended by every ALT in Gifu Prefecture.
If you are an ALT in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, and are not a member of the JET Program, we invite you to PLEASE drop us a line and let us know how well "Communicative English: 2003" applies to your situation!