Elementary Schools
and the ALT
@ Why do ALTs go to Elementary Schools?
How are ALTs sent to Elementary Schools?
What do ALTs do in Elementary Schools?
Planning the ALT visit
Why do ALTs go to Elementary Schools?
From about 10 years ago, the Monbukagakusho (Monbusho) has
conducted pilot programs throughout Japan to assess the possibility of establishing
English education programs in elementary schools. Two such pilot programs
are those at Nakagawa Elementary School in Ogaki city and Namazu Elementary School in Hozumi Town. There is a book (only in Japanese) about
the Namazu Elementary experience, but there is
also an overview of the Nakagawa Elementary experience entitled, "On
with the Sho!" distributed by ALTs.
If you can access either of these
materials, they make for interesting reading, although the circumstances
these teachers taught under are likely to be very different from those that
most ALTs and JTEs will
currently face. Suffice to say that the pilot programs were viewed as a big
success since they exposed Japanese children to English before the junior
high school curriculum was to begin, and Boards of Education across the
nation wanted to duplicate this success in their localities, often at the
request of parents.
Currently,@within Gifu, the teaching of
English at Elementary level has been reviewed and curricula have been/are
being formulated by teachers together with ALTs
at these schools. Indeed, this year has seen a surge in government backing
for ES Japanese teachers to take on the responsibility of overseeing the
planning of the English curriculum for their respective schools.
How are ALTs sent to Elementary Schools?
Most ALTs
working for local Boards of Education (BOEs) are
sent to elementary schools in addition to their junior/senior high school
postings. These visits may be once a week, once a month or once a term-
depending on teacher demands, school schedules and the number of ALTs in a given locality. Some ALTs
are hired exclusively to teach at elementary schools, in which case they
are often sent to several schools in a locality. A few ALTs,
such as those who worked at Nakagawa Elementary in Ogaki, are hired
especially to work at one particular school.
What do ALTs do in Elementary Schools?
Obviously, ALTs
are hired to teach English, but they are very often expected to do other
things at elementary school. ALTs come from all
over the world@and many of them speak other languages as well as English.
Japanese teachers may request the occasional "cultural lesson",
which may focus on the geography, clothing, cuisine etc. of an ALTs home country. In this situation, it is very
helpful to have at least a spoken command of Japanese or someone available
to interpret.
In addition, ALTs
are often requested to join the children in eating their school lunch,
which is quite a "unique" experience. You may be surprised to see
young students serving each other@and their teachers hot lunches in the
classroom! Serving lunch is effectively part of the curriculum. Vegetarians
or others with dietary needs should notify the head Teacher,@in order to
avoid confusion on the part of children who WILL ask you why you do not
wish to eat or drink something.
ALTs may also be asked to play with the
children at recess, or even help clean the school after class! In this
instance, comfortable shoes and clothing are recommended.
Planning the ALT visit
It is often up to the school to arrange a
time for the ALT to come and visit. As previously mentioned, school
schedules often preclude regular English lessons, so it's wise for ALTs to plan a one-off style of lesson which can be
completed within 45 minutes (the length of the class ).
This is mainly because an ALT may only teach the same class several times.
This is based on the "40-40-4 equation i.e. 40 students, 40 minutes, 4
times over any given period (e.g. a month/term/year). Given this situation
and the inevitable variation among students and teachers, you could say
that ALTs merely "gently" expose
children to the language rather than comprehensively teach them as is the
case in junior and senior high schools.
With this in mind, ALTs
should look at the 1st year junior high English student guide
(currently New Horizon and New Crown in Gifu) for invaluable ideas on appropriate vocabulary
and expressions to teach. However, there are also many resources available
As for the schedule itself, it is useful
for the ALT to contact head teacher at the school. This person is usually a
"veteran" who no longer teaches regular classes. Contact this
person (always in Japanese) and arrange for an "uchiawase"
(a short meeting) at least a week prior to the lesson day. Very often,
schedules will comprise of "back to back" classes with little
time to prepare for lessons- especially with the other activities mentioned
ALTs who are at elementary schools daily,
should enlist the help of school staff to make materials according to the
lesson plan discussed in the meeting. Since there is currently no set
curriculum or textbook at most schools, the ALT has a certain freedom to
teach what he/she wants to do within limits.
The limits are those mentioned above
(40-40-4) as well as budgetary. And of course, the children's attention
span. The ALT should ask the head teacher if there is a budget.
As a general rule, first to third graders
should not be expected to learn more than 10-12 words per lesson, while
fourth to sixth graders can learn up to 16 words, enough for bingo games.
Likewise, no activity should take more than 10 minutes with lower grades
and 15 minutes is the general limit for upper grades. In this situation, a
typical lesson plan would look this:
1. Greetings/ announcements: 2-3 minutes
2. Topic/phrase introduction: 5-10 minutes
3. Practice of target topic/phrases: 5-10
4. Production of language/games: 10-15
5. Overview of lesson/ comments: 5 minutes
6. Good-byes/announcements: 2-3 ,minutes
Following this plan, it's easy to see how
quickly time passes in the lesson. If it runs smoothly, the teachers and
children will be satisfied that they learnt something even if it's only
once a term. However, if children, teachers (or even ALTs!)
are late, it can be unnerving, so it is of utmost importance that both the
ALT and the JTE are punctual. When an ALT is teaching, students will only
value a lesson if a teacher is perceived to view it as valuable.
After the lesson, it is always useful to
ask the teacher and the students what they thought of the lesson. If they
say "Tanoshikatta" (It was fun) or
"Omoshirokatta"(it was interesting)
then you know it was successful. However, if you hear "Muzukashikatta" (It was hard) or "Tsumaranakatta"(it was boring) then you have some
work to do! Some teachers have ideas on how to make a lesson better for
their students, so please ask them: "Kondo wa,
motto tanoshiku dekiru yo ni, nani
o sureba ii desuka?"
(What should Ido next time to make the class more
As has been broadly mentioned in the
paragraphs above, communication among ALTs and
elementary school staff is an essential component of successful elementary
English lessons and cultural integration. You could argue that it is an ALTs duty to learn as much spoken Japanese as they can
master during their tenure since it is unrealistic to expect the Japanese
staff to always communicate in English. The only exception would be where
the ALT is@working with a JTE or a classroom teacher who wishes to speak
In general, the success of an ALT's lesson in elementary school very much depends upon
how keen an interest they take in the students' own language and culture.
Personally, I can say that my current language ability is due in part, to the kind guidance I've received from teachers
and students alike over the years.
1. Mr. Vinko Boznyak, my former colleague in Kitagata
town, has produced a practical, user-friendly guide called "Elementary
Gambare". Please email: aet_gambare@hotmail.com
for details and activities.
2. JALT, the Japan Association for
Language Teaching, holds monthly meetings on Sunday afternoons at Heartfelt Square, JR Gifu Station. See http://gifujalt.org
for more details. Kids' English is featured!
3. ETJ is another online group dedicated
to helping English teachers in Japan. They are accessible at http://www.eltnews.com