Planning and Evaluation

Lesson Plan Checklist
Example lesson plan
Studentfs teaching evaluation form
Plan Checklist
1. Aim: Is this a topic
that can be continued in future classes as well?
a. Is it meaningful to your students?
b. Do you use it throughout the entire lesson? (i.e.
are you consistent?)
2. Profile of students Who
are they?
a. Does your material match the interest, age and language level of
your students?
b. Have you taken into consideration the size of the class?
3. Objectives: Are your
objectives observable?
a. Do your reading objectives involve the use of skills that will
improve comprehension?
b. Do your writing objectives focus on communication?
c. Oral repetition and simply reading out loud do not guarantee
comprehension. Nor do reading and writing a grammar point.
4. Warm-Up: Is it
a. Does it get the students' attention and prepare them for the lesson
that will follow?
b. Can you be creative and use something more interesting?
5. Presentation of new
material objectives:@How are you teaching your students?
a. Is it all taught deductively? Can you do it differently?
b. Is the teacher
doing all of the teaching? Is it a Teacher-centred
class? Can the students take a bigger part in their learning? Is it a
student- centred class?
c. Are you teaching something beneficial to the students' acquisition
of English?
d. Are sentences and exercises meaningful and contextualized?
6. Guided activity: Is
it something more than simply repeating and filling in the blanks?
(including teacher's help)
a. Are you acting as a facilitator while your students are practicing
their language?
b. Can you be more interactive and creative?
c.@Is it meaningful and related to your aim?
7. Independent activity:
Are students practicing the objective? (excluding teacher's help)
a. Is it meaningful?
b. Is it creative?
8. Evaluation: Are you
evaluating properly on your objectives?
a. Is it meaningful?
b.@Is it related to your aim?
9. Follow-up: Are you
providing more practice on today's lesson?
Example of an ARC lesson plan@by@Jim Scrivener
Date 12/02/2002
Lesson Aims and Objectives:@@@@@
To understand and use vocabulary and grammar relating to effectively
making a phone call/having a phone conversation
Possible learner difficulties: lack
of relevant grammar and vocabulary to do this lesson without assistance.
Vocabulary/grammar to pre-teach:@to make, to dial, to receive,
operator, phone box, directory enquiries
Strategies to combat learner
difficulties: provide a clear model for a phone conversation and
provide clear explanations of grammar and vocabulary using visual aids to
aid student learning and a substitution table
Assumed student knowledge: some
basic noun vocabulary and some knowledge of present tense usage
T = teacher@TTs
= teachers@S = student@ Ss =Students
Time Frame
Type of Activity
Activity Details
T@ Ss
Clarification & Focus
T(Ts) pre-teach new vocabulary for telephone call
Ss- Ss
Restrictive Exercise (Pair work)
Grouping exercise-grouping words according to theme (e.g. phone,
phone line etc.)
Ss- T
Clarification & Focus
Ss feedback their answers as to word grouping
T@ Ss
Clarification & Focus
T(Ts) provide a model and explain how to do the substitution
Ss- Ss
Authentic Activity (Pair work)
Ss make up their own dialogues using words that are the subsitituted by a symbol
T@ Ss
Clarification & Focus
T(Ts) review grammar points/errors
This lesson plan is simplified to provide a broad
view of ARC method.
Did you understand the ALT?
Very well
Not at all
2.Were you active(e.g. speaking,
doing something) during the class?
Very active
Not at all
3.Was the class
Very interesting
Not at all
4.Was the class useful
to improve your listening ability?
Very useful
Not at all
5.Was the class useful
to improve your speaking ability?
Very useful
Not at all
6. How much did you
learn from the ALT?
A.English language
A lot
Nothing new
B.Western Culture
A lot
Nothing new
7. Do you like the team-teaching class?
Yes, a lot
No, Not at all